
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hello Hello Hello!!!

Hi there. If you've found this blog through my YouTube channel, Welcome!!! If you've happened on this blog by chance (or by fate perhaps), hello! This blog has a purpose. I know because of comments from friends, family and random people on the internet that I think a little differently compared to most. This is the place where I want to share the strange and long-winded thoughts I have every day. My blog is not necessarily going to always be a happy go lucky place. In my life, I've dealt with my fair share of embarrassing, painful, sad and scary times. I want to tell the stories of those times. I want my "hardships" to help others make their path. I know that most are going to be extremely confused by what I write. I'm confused by what I write. That's the point. I've found in my eighteen years that you don't have to understand everything. I'm still learning that. I really hope that you enjoy this space. It's gonna be weird. It'